Sunday, May 22, 2016

Inexpensive Ideas For Switching Up Your Home Decor

Pillows, Curtains, and Rugs; need I say more?

(Okay, I'll say a little bit more ;) )

If you're like me, you get bored with your home decor within 1-3 years.  Trends are constantly changing and some really great looks have been coming out lately. And...if you're like me, you can't do a total home makeover every few years due to finances.  Here are a few ideas to change up the look in your home without breaking the bank!

(Some great advice would be to start with some neutral furniture, or at least use colors that will stay on trend for years to come and really make you happy!)

Generic Every Day I'm Hustling Decorative Pillow Cover

Pillows!  We all love great throw pillows, and they can add great pops of color to any space.  Depending on where you buy them will depend on whether or not this is inexpensive.  Great places to find inexpensive pillows are Walmart, Target, Ross and TJ Maxx.  If you are swapping out pillows just temporarily, such as doing seasonal (example: Springy pillows) or Holiday, look for pillow covers!  I found a really cute pillow cover for less than $5 on !   Whether it's a new look or just short-term for spring, pillows are a great way to change things up for a new look.

Pom Pom Window Curtains
Mainstays Blackout Wrap-Around Curtain RodCurtains! Curtains can get pricey, just like pillows so it makes a difference where you purchase them, retailers listed above are also great places to search for a good deal on curtains.  Another tip, go straight to the clearance rack to look first, you may be pleasantly surprised.  Curtains can do several things for you.  If you want to add texture to your neutral space choose a curtain that has fringe, pom poms and or patterns.  You can add more color to any room or even make your ceiling appear higher by buying longer curtains and placing the curtain rod closer to the ceiling.  You can also switch out just the curtain rod. This picture is a great example of adding texture, pom poms are purple and will look perfect in my daughter's new room.  her room will have accents of black, so I will pair the curtains with a black iron curtain rod.  *Side note: I found these adorable curtains on several different websites, but the best price, even better than Walmart, was on for $25.95.  So, do your homework, when you find an item you like, google the exact name, and you might find the exact item for less somewhere else!

Simple black iron curtain rod found on for only $11.97.  If you have several curtain rods that might not be out of style but aren't the right color, spray paint! (matte black is super trendy right now)

LAPPLJUNG RUTA Rug, low pile IKEA Easy to vacuum thanks to its flat surface.

Rugs!  Rugs are not cheap, I know!  However, if you are patient and search for a great deal, or wait for a big sale, save your money for when you know there will be sales, such as President's Day sales etc. Also, according to January is the best time of year for rugs to go on sale.  Know what you want; color, style, material and don't settle for something else just because it's a good deal, you might find out too late the price reflects the quality. *Side Note: I highly recommend reading the article on; Tips on Buying Cheap Rugs.  Seriously, great advice, and plus is a great place to search for rugs.  I love the "boho" style rug, but I also like a great and simple black and white rug. This black and white rug can be found at for $79.99, 6'7 x 6'7.   This type of rug is great for that "neutral" piece, making it easy to switch everything else .

This is the style of rug I am saving up for, this particular rug is $575 for 5' x 8', on, which is a great price, but still a little too much for me right now.

Original Invisible Disc Picture Adhesive Plate Hangers Recycling Sticker

Bonus Tip!  Do you have plates displayed on your wall?  Here is an idea I learned the other day on a local Utah morning show.  Anytime you go to Target, you'll find cute seasonal plastic dishes.  When you want to brighten up that kitchen/dining room wall simply switch out the plates.  Also, using these discs are a great way to hang any type of dish without seeing the hanging wires, only $.99 on

This plastic plate from is only $1.29, what a cute way to decorate for spring!  Plus if you keep the same design on the wall, and use the same size plates you won't ever have to worry about measuring again for the perfect look, just swap them out with each other.  Do this for holidays and seasons or for a fun way to change up the look in your home!

Thanks For Stopping By!

Brooke XOXO

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